WA Apple Education Foundation Pt 2
With today's Fruit Grower Report, I'm Bob Larson. We talked yesterday about the Washington Apple Education Foundation, the charity branch of our tree fruit industry.Well known for its scholarship program, WAEF donors make college dreams come true for kids raised in tree fruit industry and Executive Director Jennifer Witherbee says now is the time ...
WITHERBEE ... "Yeah, this is the time. So, the application is live now. We have it on our website. Students must complete that application and have all of the attachments in by March 1st, which seems like a long way off but it's great to start now. So, our website is WWW.WAEF.ORG and the information is under the scholarships tab."
Witherbee says they couldn't do it without the generous donations ...
WITHERBEE ... "So, all of them are voluntarily contributed. Most of our funds come from what we call the industry core, the growers and packers and shippers, but we also receive lots of support from suppliers and service providers and people in the community that care about education."
She says its an industry doing great things ...
WITHERBEE ... "We are just so appreciative that the industry created the Washington Apple Education Foundation and the number of lives that we've been able to touch is just phenomenal and that impact is forever. You know, education lasts forever and so our students, many times again, being the first in their families to make that big leap, but definitely not the last."
WAEF also provides scholarship training in area high schools and funds the work of community and school organizations providing scholastic assistance to farmworker families.
Just go to www.WAEF.org and click on the scholarship tab for more information.