Judge Delays Wolf Kill Pt 2
I'm Bob Larson. A wolf that preys on cattle in Northeast Washington is getting at least a temporary reprieve from a state Fish and Wildlife bullet after a Thurston County judge grants the request of environmental groups to halt approved protocols for lethal removals.Representative Joel Kretz says it's like a decade of work by the Wolf Advisory Group means nothing ...
KRETZ ... "You know, basically what we've got now is two out-of-state environmental groups that have never participated in any of the work can come in and, with a judge from Olympia that knows nothing about it, basically dictate wolf policy in the state of Washington and I don't thing that's what our justice system was designed for."
Kretz says the timing of it all was not good ...
KRETZ ... "Well, it would be nice, you know, in the original hearing, I think the lethal order was put out about 8 o'clock. 9 o'clock there was a suit filed by the environmental groups and they're in court at 1 o'clock which means there's nobody there that's effected by this. We can't get over there that quick. So, you've got, like I said, two environmental groups and an Olympia judge setting a direction on something that they know absolutely nothing about."
But, Kretz says they'd like to have representatives at the next hearing ...
KRETZ ... "I'm hopeful that we'll be able to get people over there on the 31st, you know, the people that are actually effected by this ruling."
Tune in tomorrow for more on the frustration being felt by Kretz and ranchers in Northeast Washington.