GOP Working on Farm Bill Fix and Tweeting Farmers
From the Ag Information Network, I'm Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**The House quietly delayed Speaker Paul Ryan's attempt to revive the farm bill until late June, while GOP leaders try removing conservative opposition to the bill by holding a
vote on immigration control in the interim.
According to, Representatives agreed to the target date by passing a multipart resolution last week that set terms of debate for three bills, including a military spending bill.
The final sentence reads action on the farm bill "may continue to be postponed through the legislative day of Friday, June 22."
**When President Trump addressed the American Farm Bureau Federation in January, he reminded them that his commitment to farmers has been clear since his Administration began.
In a statement released Thursday, the USDA reports their Departments are working hard to propose a streamlined, simplified, and improved H-2A temporary agricultural visa program, that reduces cumbersome bureaucracy and ensures adequate protections for U.S. workers.
The statement notes the Trump Administration is committed to modernizing the H-2A visa program rules in a way that's responsive to stakeholder concerns and deepens confidence in the program.
**Birds might not be the only thing 'tweeting' on your farm. Social media is now allowing farmers to connect across the country to share in trials and triumphs. reports farmers are sharing pictures and information of conditions in every state so others can see how crops look in other parts of the U.S.