Robot Apple Pickers Pt 2
With today's Fruit Grower Report, I'm Bob Larson. As seen in countless Sci-Fi blockbusters, robots continue to take over jobs previously held by us mere mortals. Ans, it's nothing new in agriculture where the development of such mechanized marvels as the tractor and combine revolutionized the industry.One of the latest creations, coming soon to an orchard near you, is the Robotic Apple Picker ...
STEERE ... "Yes, this is new types of automation that's coming into jobs which just, in the past, weren't possible to automate and, not for lack of trying. People have been trying to come up with ways to automate fruit harvest for many decades. It's just that apples are delicate and trees, you can't just cut a tree down and throw away parts that you don't want, like if you're harvesting corn. So, it's a hard problem."
Dan Steere, CEO of California-based Abundant Robotics says their Robotic Picker will change the look of orchards come harvest time ...
STEERE ... "Well, it certainly depends on the size of the orchard obviously. But, we're not ready to release the commercial specs, but basically we're talking about building a machine that in one day would do the equivalent work to tens of people. So, a machine that can be quite a bit more productive than a person, And, given the size of commercial orchards, you would expect to see multiple machines working in these large orchards at a time.
Steere says they've been testing the Robotic Pickers for the past five years and hope to introduce them in some orchards as early as this year.
He says once they get the apple harvester established, they plan to work on developing robotic harvesters for other tree fruit as well.