Dam Spill Legislation Pt 1
I'm Bob Larson. Back door, end around, slight of hand, call it what you will, but there appears to be more than one answer to changing an order to spill more water over Lower Columbia and Snake River Dams.The House Appropriations subcommittee on Energy and Water approved an amended version of legislation last week that would stop the current rules put in place, in theory, to help the fish.
Representative Dan Newhouse says it's good to have a backup plan ...
NEWHOUSE ... "Yeah, I was happy about that. You know the old say, 'there's more than one way to skin a cat' right?"
Newhouse says this was a backup plan to the previous legislation he'd partnered with Representative Cathy
McMorris-Rodgers on ...
NEWHOUSE ... "We have legislation that we were able to pass that if we are unsuccessful getting that through all the way to the President, we can address this through the appropriations process. I sit on the Energy and Water appropriations subcommittee and I was able to affect language being added to that appropriations bill, but essentially accomplish pretty much the same thing that the HR 3144 would."
Newhouse says it gives them more time to work on a permanent fix ...
NEWHOUSE ... "So it would, at least for next year, stop the forced spill that was ordered on the Lower Snake and Columbia river dams.
Newhouse says the increased spill could cost Northwest power customers $40 million in higher rates this spring, on top of the $15 billion they've already paid over the last decade for programs to help fish.
Newhouse says the move could also hurt transportation on the rivers, flood control and irrigation systems.