Newhouse on Farm Bill Pt 1
I'm Bob Larson. Now that the Farm Bill has moved out of the House Ag Committee and on to the full chamber, it's no slam dunk the bill will make given the push-back from Democrats.Representative Dan Newhouse says there's uncertainty now that everyone's got a better idea of what they're dealing with ...
NEWHOUSE ... "Since last week, you know there were just the highlights available. We have gotten the full text of the bill and it moved out of committee on a purely bipartisan basis and I would anticipate that if we're going to move if off the House floor it will have to be with just Republican votes. I'm not sure yet if that's possible."
Newhouse says the nutrition program is certainly the most controversial aspect of the Farm Bill ...
NEWHOUSE ... "What we're hopeful in doing is making sure that the SNAP program does not become a trap for individuals. That we are helping people pull themselves up out of poverty by providing more resources for training, for workforce reengagement. We're asking people who are between the age of 18 and 59 who are able-bodied, and there are lists of exemptions for people who may not be able to be employed if they're in between those ages, but we're asking them to work at least 20 hours a week if they're going to be recipients of the SNAP program, or be engaged in some kind of a training program."
Newhouse says the changes are all to help move people out of poverty and help them get back to work.
Listen tomorrow for more on the chances the Farm Bill has.