Corn for Grain Harvest Up
The Colorado Corn Growers say they're expecting a pretty good boost in the corn for grain crop this year - outpacing nationwide harvest.Eric Brown with Colorado Corn:
"It's looking like we're going to produce a crop of about 177 million bushels which tops last year's 166 million bushels. It's the biggest crop since 2011. And it looks like we're going to harvest a fair amount more than USDA thought originally. About 1.22 million acres are going to be harvested this year compared to the 1 million to 1.1 million acres in recent years."
Brown says they're expecting yields of about 145 bushels per acre this year up from 137 bushels per acre last year.
For the nation as a whole, the USDA anticipates a decrease in both acres harvested (about 83.50 million acres this year, down from 86.75 million in 2016), and a dip in yields (169.9 bushels per acre this year, down from last year's 174.6).