What Trump Means for Trade Pt 3

What Trump Means for Trade Pt 3

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
I'm Bob Larson. We're less than a month away from a Presidential inauguration unlike any we've ever seen ... and with a President who has sworn to opt out of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Washington Apple Commission president Todd Fryhover says if President Trump does pull out of the TPP, we've got a lot of ground to make up ...

TODD FRYHOVER ... "The United States is not exactly fast on bi-lateral agreements, which obviously is the next alternative. If TPP doesn't go through, we're going to have to negotiate 12 bi-laterals. And we have not been very quick on that stage at all in the past."

I asked Fryhover if he has any hope of Trump selecting an Ag Secretary who could make a difference?

TODD FRYHOVER ... "I have heard, just kind of side comments from the context that he's had some strong ag advisors, and if you're any kind of an ag person, you've got to be pro-trade. I mean, we obviously export a lot of our commodities and it definitely helps in providing a balance of trade. I mean ag is really a significant portion of contributing to a balance of trade so hopefully that will be a positive thing. You know, it's really up to the President who he's going to listen to and what he's going to act or not act on, but hopefully we'll get a good Ag Secretary in there, one that's pro-trade and working forward towards better agreements in the future and will continue to support our ag community."

Fryhover says after a decade of negotiations led by the U.S., it will be a shame if the TPP is abandoned, but we'll all have to wait and see exactly what President Trump decides to do.

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