Awards for Save Family Farming
I'm Bob Larson. The efforts of the group established to protect farmers from the What's Upstream, anti-farming campaign, have been honored with a pair of awards ...GERALD BARON ... "We were awarded the President's Award from both the Washington State Dairy Federation and the Washington Farm Bureau."
Save Family Farming Executive Director Gerald Baron says the recognition is an important show of support from around the state ...
GERALD BARON ... "This is a very important indication of real support from across the board in the farm community in Washington State for the work that we've done on What's Upstream. And so, I think the real meaning here is it sends a message to the legislators, to our opponents who've been behind What's Upstream campaign, to the EPA, that what we're doing here with Save Family Farming on the What's Upstream campaign is really being strongly supported by farmers and farm groups across the state."
But, Baron says, the recognition goes to the many who've done so much ...
GERALD BARON ... "When I was able to accept the award in Yakima, for example, from the Washington Farm Bureau, I noted that this was really accepted on behalf of all those who have really stepped up and taken some leadership in this."
Washington Farm Bureau Government Relations Director Tom Davis says Save Family Farming's efforts are appreciated for exposing the extremists, with the blessing of the EPA, who used federal tax dollars to accuse family farmers and lobby lawmakers illegally.