9-9 NWR Representing Farmers and Ranchers

9-9 NWR Representing Farmers and Ranchers

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Farmers may make up less than two percent of the population, but their direct impact on our country stretches to every dinner table from California to Maine. Too often, that connection is overlooked, especially when it comes to food and farm policy discussions. The National Farmers Union works to bridge that divide by advocating for family farmers and ranchers in Washington D.C.

Roger Johnson, president of the nearly 200,000-member family farmer and rancher-led organization, says NFU members will have the opportunity to make their voices heard when they meet with members of Congress and White House staff during NFU's Fall Legislative Fly-In September 11-14

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation announced today that it does not expect to purchase and sell sugar under the Feedstock Flexibility Program for fiscal year 2017.

Speaking of sugar, an adorable little Seattle Mariners fan named Beatrix was caught on video Yesterday eating cotton candy and she ended up being tweeted all over the world.

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