NW Pear Growing Regions
With the Fruit Grower Report, I’m Susan Allen, the bartlet I picked from the tree for lunch is dripping decadent juices on my keyboard, we grow pears like no where else in the world, truly and I had with conversation with Kathy Stephenson, Marketing Communications Director for Pear Bureau Northwest about the all the different pear growing regions throughout the pacific Northwest, Kathy can you go through the regions for our listeners .
Stephenson: We have in Washington, the Wenatchee and Yakima Valley are two of our largest growing regions and then we have along the Columbia River, the mid-Columbia region on both sides of the river so Washington and Oregon. Most of that crop coming out of the Hood River area and then contributing in the Southern part of Oregon is Medford. Which is home to some beautiful Comice, Bosc’s and other varieties like Bartlett’s as well.
Is the pear I just ate a freak of nature for being so early?
So a lot of the Bartletts are completely done, they usually start in the middle of August and we got a little early start . We actually have Bartletyt pears and star crimson pears in the market across the country now. So It s terrific for us to get those products out there now. The movement at the beginning of the season has been exceptional. We are really excited and optimistic
I can understand that considering you are projecting 18.9 million cases of this beautiful Northwest fruit.