Comment ON CAFO BY August 31th
Heads up if you feed cattle Washington Cattlemen's Association President Jack Fields wants you to have a chance to comment on the concentrated animal feeding operation permits also know as CAFO general permitsHere's Jack.
FIELDS: The Department of Ecology has extended the comment period for the concentrated animal feeding operation permits also known as CAFO general permit and comments will be accepted through 5:00 pm on August 31th. So it's extremely important that people take time to submit comments. This is the permit that if you have animals confined for 45 days or more non-continuous throughout the year you need to take a look at this permit and be sure your facility doesn't fall into this . If it does, you need to make comments together and make sure the permit isn't something you are not able to operate under. We have had a number concerns and we are working through those right now. It's incumbent upon on any livestock producer that feeds livestock that they need to review the permit and make sure their concerns are heard. To date I believe Ecology has received about three-thousand comments. So this is something I know that the Washington Cattlemen's Assoc, Washington Cattle Feeders, Washington State Dairy Federation and the Washington State Farm Bureau are all putting comments together individually and collectively, as groups and on behalf of their members, but this is still something each individual needs to take some time and put some comments in. There is the potential to have significant impact on your operation if you don't understand how the permit might impact you.