FFA Marketing Select Sires and e-Butterfly
I'm Susan Allen with Washington Ag Today. Every year Washington State FFA has a sales contest where teams are given a product and challenged to develop a sales and marketing plan. This year the All West/ Select Sires beef program , a Western farmer owned artificial insemination cooperative that markets frozen bull semen was chosen as the product and that was apropos given that they are celebrating their 75th anniversary. 34 teams competed in a sales presentation contest and Stanwood High School was the winner. The will be taking their marketing plan to the nationals.And if you love big winged pollinators, butterflies, you will want to log onto e-butterfly .com . I spoke with Katy Prudic, co- founder and assistant research professor in the Department of Entomology, at the University of Arizona.
Prudic: So e-Butterfly is an international web platform for people who love to watch, photograph and collect butterflies.
So it's not just an "information only site?
Prudic: It's a way for them to record their data, it's a community where we share data with each other and try to understand where butterflies are, when they are there, and what they are doing. The data is then "open sourced" meaning it's available to everyone so that anybody can go in and start asking questions and potentially gets answers.
And that might be anything from how to attract butterflies, the migration pattern of the monarchs that move through our state or butterfly-safe pesticide applications.