Who's Running Your Farm,Really?

Who's Running Your Farm,Really?

Susan Allen
Susan Allen
Who's really running your farm? I'm Susan Allen with Washington Ag Today. Dan Fazio an experienced labor and employment attorney with a staff of HR professionals that serve serving seasonal employers through his group known as Wafla thinks the answer to that question is pretty important, and Wafla has a webinar coming up that will help to protect your farm.

Fazio: "Okay Susan Dan Fazio here from Walfa. This Tuesday on June 7th from 11:00-noon we have a real fun webinar for our members and its titled. Who's Running Your Company? Managing the Middle Manager Prevention Tactics. It is presented by Presented by Sarah Wixson & Krista L. Nelson of Stokes Lawrence and what they are going to be talking about is how you manage those middle managers because I don't know if people know this, but they are very responsible for the actions of a middle manager. Employers are really responsible for what your middle managers do . You need to put systems in place that cause yourself to be aware of what your middle managers are doing and the folks at Stokes Lawrence are very very familiar with how that works from a litigation standpoint and they've come up with some ideas that I think are outstanding for agricultural employers to consider managing your middle managers.

Learn on your lunch break! I love it. What is the date

Fazio: June 7th , 11:00 am until noon, you just go to Wafla.org and click on the event to register that's Wafa.org and you can register for that webinar, thanks so much.

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