

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Everything that I have read about the people actually living around the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is that there is a very mixed reaction regarding the armed group which continues to occupy buildings therein. Furthermore, it appears the reaction by locals is overwhelmingly negative… As in vigilantes taking the law into their own hands.


But the Oregonian reported Oregon Rep. Greg Walden, whose congressional district includes the embattled wildlife refuge, took to the U.S. House floor defend his rural constituents and gave a harsh critique of the federal government. “I am sure my colleagues are aware of the situation in Harney County, Oregon, where a group of protesters, armed, have overtaken the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. this group is led largely by people who are not necessarily from Oregon although they obviously have supporters. They are originally there to protest the sentencing of Dwight and Steve Hammond. I know the Hammonds for close to 20 years. They are long time, responsible ranchers in Harney County. They have been sentenced to prison twice. The point I want to make is for people in this chamber to understand what drives people to do what is happening in Harney County. I have seen the impact of federal policies from the Clinton administration to the Obama administration. I have seen what happens when over zealous bureaucrats and agencies go beyond the law and clamp down on people.”


Civil disobedience is one thing. Is Mr. Walden agreeing with armed opposition?

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