Technology In The Orchard

Technology In The Orchard

Technology In The Orchard. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

During the recent Washington State Tree Fruit Association's Annual Meeting one of the programs was on technology. Nick Loyd, Associate in Research with AgWeatherNet spent some time talking about how AgWeatherNet can help your orchard.

LOYD: On our website, and also we have a mobile site so you can look at that as well on your phone we have a variety of information available so we have just measured weather data. Things like temperature, humidity, rainfall and then a variety of dry fields so we have dew point, growing degree days, different things like that.

Loyd says the site provide not only just weather data but a decision support system.

LOYD: Essentially we have various tools, models, publications where we take various people, their expertise and agricultural sciences - combine it with our weather data that has a variety of features in it now again; irrigation scheduling, growing degree day models.

He says that all this data is available in a variety of forms so you can choose what works for you.

LOYD: You can find the data in map form, widget form if you just want to see ok, I have one station of interest, what's the weather right now. In meteogram forms so you can look at line graphs of data over time. Beyond just the weather data the really important part of AgWeatherNet is the decision support system where we take all this information and we try to make it interesting and relevant and useful for the grower and just the general public.

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.

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