Gun Safety

Gun Safety

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
In a recent hunting fatality in the Northwest, a father and son were hunting in foggy conditions with poor visibility and the father accidentally shot his son. It seems to me that some fundamental rules of gun safety ought to be carefully observed. I called gun expert, gun enthusiast Al Strup who happens to work at the Sportsmen's Warehouse store in Puyallup, Washington. "I think the first thing you want to do is follow the gun safety rules. You always treat a gun as though it is loaded, you want to watch where you point it and keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Those are just standard rules. You can go through the gun safety course. The state offers that to anybody before they go hunting. Everybody has to go through that now, that's required by law. Apparently in the hunting situation, the father-son, it was foggy. Any thoughts on gun safety there? I don't know what the circumstances were. Was he just standing there unloading his gun and shot him. Then obviously he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. He was not pointing his gun in a safe direction. This first thing you always do. You always want to keep the barrel of your gun pointed in a safe direction. In the case of fog, it sounds to me like he may have mistook him for a deer and shot him. So be sure of your target and what is behind it. Some people get quite excited when they are out hunting and they throw that factor out the window and that's what gets them in trouble. It all comes down to basic firearms rules which you can find online.
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