Preparing for the Road Ahead
The Colorado Livestock Association are holding several regional livestock symposiums across the state within the next month that are open for livestock industry members.CLA Administrative Coordinator Kellee Mitchell shares more details about the Northeast CO Livestock Symposium that will be held November 10th at the Northeast Jr College in Sterling.
Mitchell: "Our meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and our first keynote speaker which would be is CattleFax Lance Zimmerman speaking about protein markets in transition. Then we have Dr. Ashley Stokes from CSU Veterinary Medicine is going to be speaking about Aloha, Healthy Calves she did a study on Long haul shipping from Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland and how that stress and how working with your calves can apply here. Then we have Dr. Del Miles with Veterinary Research and Consulting Services and he will going to be talking about the antibiotic resistant and the vet feed directive that will come in to play and take affect the first of January. Then Bill Hammerich our CEO is going to give an issues update. We have Jason Burns with the Colorado State Board of Stock Inspection is going to demonstrate the new electronic brand certificate. Then we have Dr. Ken Newens from the State Veterinarian's Office."
Following Dr. Newens, renowned livestock handler Curt Pate will be presenting the 3 S's of livestock for production — Safety, Stockman, and Stewardship.
The symposium is free, but the CLA requests those participating to RSVP so they have an accurate head count for lunch. You can go to register.