Big Blueberry Crop
Big Blueberry Crop. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.Excellent growing conditions combined with an increase in acres planted in blueberries may result in a harvest that could hit an all time high, according to Bryan Ostlund of the Oregon Blueberry Commission.
OSTLUND: It is one big crop out there. This could be the year we finally hit the 100 million pound mark for Oregon production. The West Coast, in general, is just off the charts with blueberry production and it’s really pretty exciting to see.
Oregon ranks fourth of all states in blueberry production, but a big harvest this year could move it up the rankings. The increased production corresponds to greater demand.
OSTLUND: Consumer markets have continued to grow. The per capita consumption of fresh blueberries over the last 5 or 6 years has grown tenfold. But the production of blueberries has even outpaced that. We are constantly seeing new acres come on. We’ve been planting pretty steadily for the last 15 years. So this industry has seen growth like few other industries in agriculture have and it’s just really been a success story.
Blueberry harvest normally shifts into high gear after the Fourth of July. This year, production is at least three weeks ahead of schedule. With different varieties of blueberries planted around the state, the picking should continue well into the fall, which means Oregon consumers can enjoy fresh local blueberries for several more months.
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.