Regional Weekly Hay Report

Regional Weekly Hay Report

Here is USDA Grain and Livestock Reporter Tiffany Smit with the Columbia Basin Hay report from last week.
Smit: “We had 4,832 tons of hay trade this week compared to last Friday. New crop premium alfalfa was $5 lowers, while Timothy hay was $10 higher. Trade was slow to moderate on new crop alfalfa. Most interests were busy this week with second cutting hay of alfalfa. Retail feed store was steady on new crop first-cutting alfalfa in a light test. Demand remains good. Alfalfa premium large square bales were $215 for export. Good quality large squares $185.”
In Idaho compared to previous week, there were not enough sales for accurate trends. Trade was slow last week as recent rains made putting up high quality hay difficult. Demand was light. Retail/feed store/horse was not tested. Large squares of alfalfa of good quality sold for $140 per ton.
In Oregon, prices trended generally steady when compared to the same quality the previous week.Trade activity and demand declined this week, as many producers were busy in the field with the new crop. Most producers are sold out for the season. In Central Oregon premium orchard grass small square bales sold for $270 per ton. In Klamath Basin premium small square alfalfa boas sold for $240 a ton. There were no new sales confirmed in Eastern Oregon or Harney County.
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