Twitter and News

Twitter and News

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
The world of straight news presentations appears to be changing as we in the news business engage with a news audience whose worlds have changed… Social media probably being the greatest influence on those who seek information. The other day our team was talking about the use of Twitter and ways that we could change our “look” to establish a bigger presence with agricultural audiences. U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance representative, Joanna Schroeder, is as bright a person as I know. She has thoughts about how we can reach that goal. “ I am going to be speaking at the Department of Energy at a biotechnology conference in D.C. What will you be telling everybody? I'm going to be telling people how to communicate with reporters to get your story covered. Oh really? Yes, things to do, things not to do. One of the interesting things about media, I was talking to people about was that consumers don’t like really technical things, they don’t understand energy in general, let alone complicated issues so I did this experiment last year where I wrote some news in the form of entertainment, would people read it? So I pretended like this woman had been abducted by an alien and then delivered all his news about energy and oil and it crashed the server, so many people read the story. That has sort of been my point is that consumers want their news wrapped up in entertainment.”
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