This past week I had the pleasure of accompanying my son and granddaughter to our local animal shelter where they were having a 24-hour cat adoption event for the holidays, offering reduced rates for adoptions. My son who just purchased his first home a few months back is a full-time single Dad and he and our granddaughter are both cat lovers so this provided the perfect opportunity to find that new family member! We weren’t there very long before both of them bonded with a two year old cat named Taz, who displayed a playful and loving personality. The three of them just clicked. Needless to say Taz is now a much loved addition to their happy home. Matching animal personalities to their human counterparts is extremely important, whether it’s cats, dogs, or horses; especially horses, as horse and rider need to have a strong connection in order to operate well as a team. If that connection isn’t there between horse and rider then the safety of both could be at risk. As authors and horsewomen Mary Morrow and Eunice Rush say in their 2012 book “Know You, Know Your Horse”, “Understanding the personality is the only way to truly bond”.