The main source of donated foods to food banks continues to be from growers and processors. Farmers Ending Hunger, a non-profit created in 2004, supplies food for the needy, working directly with the farmers who are growing and harvesting food. The farmers and ranchers who have joined Farmers Ending Hunger donate sizable portions of their produce production at no cost to FEH. In addition dozens of volunteers work long hours to package the donated food items to ship out to local food banks. In 2013 more than 49 million people struggled with hunger on a daily basis in the United States. Nearly 16 million of those people were children. While it’s sad that we as a nation and members of the global community still fight hunger on a daily basis, it’s encouraging that there are numerous groups and organizations around the globe working hard to end world hunger. They and the food processors and public volunteers who work with them to provide food for the hungry represent the best of human nature; making a real difference for those in need.