You may have heard by now that the 87th National FFA Convention held in Louisville, Kentucky was attended by a record 64,409 FFA members. Themed “Go All Out” the convention’s attendees each had their own individual reasons for being there - for becoming FFA members. But there is one common goal that resonates with all FFA members and that is to continually improve and expand the face of agriculture while promoting the importance of agriculture around the globe. FFA has come to embody everything that first group of young farmers envisioned back in Kansas City in 1928; it is an organization dedicated to “preparing future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population”. Interestingly, FFA receives no federal funding; its programs are funded through sponsorships and private donations at the local, state and national level. FFA members prove over and over again that they “Go All Out” for what they believe in - the future of agriculture.