Grape Society Meeting
Grape Society Annual Meeting. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.Washington State Grape Society will hold its Annual Meeting on Nov. 13 & 14 in Grandview. Deb Heintz has more.
HEINTZ: We’ve got a great lineup of speakers set up for this meeting. One of the things that the growers like to see or the attendees like to see at the meeting are panel discussions and we’ve got two of them this year. One is on early watering of wine grapes where they’ll sit down and talk about the pros and cons. There’s been discussions over the years whether or not that’s a good, bad or indifferent thing.
And Heintz talks about the second panel discussion.
HEINTZ: Vintage in Review, the Big Concord Crop: Working Management Options. From that we’re going to be able to perhaps have a little bit of understanding of this huge crop that’s coming in this harvest and perhaps how growers prepared for it. And along with that is also the State of Grapes; Trent Ball is always great in giving us an overview of the harvest year and perhaps what we can expect in the future years.
She says there will also be a Thursday afternoon session on compost.
HEINTZ: What is compost, how can you use it, the nutrient release of compost and why testing of compost is important.
Get your registrations in now before the November 1st deadline. After this date, you may still sign-up at the door for an additional $25. Registration and complete program information at:
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.