Discover Card Affinity Program Benefits HSUS

Discover Card Affinity Program Benefits HSUS

Discover Credit Card company has an affinity program which will benefit the Humane Society of the United States. HSUS. The Center for Consumer Freedom’s Senior Research Analyst Will Coggin shares more details.
Coggin: “We looked up the details of this program and it appears that Discover expects it will raise $1million for HSUS through the various fees it will pay HSUS for Discover members who sign up for this card.”
Does that make your blood boil knowing HSUS —which uses less than a measly percent of its vast coffers to for local pet shelters and has a very anti-animal agriculture agenda — is the recipient of such a donation?
If you would like to share your displeasure with Discover Card, Coggin says to go to sign an online petition in protest of this HSUS support. He explains more about this new website
Coggin: “We want to have a new portal that is dedicated to targeting some of the corporate sponsors of HSUS and letting them know that there are a lot of people out there that are upset about HSUS and what HSUS is doing to Americans —- essentially it is misrepresenting itself and attacking segments of America’s society.”
So if you have a Discover card — you just might as a customer want to share your disgusted with your credit card company directly.


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