Apple cider vinegar is one of those items most kitchens have on hand. My mother has always been a big promoter of using vinegar for just about every health and household problem. And she is right, there are very few things that apple cider vinegar can’t help solve. Admit it, how many of you have used vinegar to clean your windows, condition your hair, discourage insects from taking up residence, sooth a sunburn, or drink as a weight loss aid? Our son likes to drink vinegar mixed with water, just like the ancient Greeks. He swears it will cure what ails you. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most useful natural products on the planet, and it is so affordable and easily accessible. The vast majority of claims for what vinegar can do aren’t just old wives’ tales, they now actually have medical research to back them up. So is apple cider vinegar a good thing to have on hand? Most definitely. While it is not necessarily the only thing you will ever need as a cleaning agent, digestion aid, hair rinse, breath freshener, skin toner, or insect repellant, it is most certainly a product not to be ignored. Oh, and did I mention it’s a key salad dressing ingredient.