

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Looking around at a recent cattle show and get together, I saw an interesting display on ear tags for cattle. It was the Allflex stand and they claim to be the world leader in design, technology, manufacturing and delivery of animal identification for traceability systems across all production. I talked to their sales guy Scott Holt. “We are a worldwide company so anywhere there is livestock, we do animal ID. We have operations in every continent. We do feedlot tags, cow/calf two piece tags, swine, all the way up to electronics identification for livestock. It says laser ink marking. What is that? It is a technology developed in Europe for mandatory ID programs where a chemical additive is put in the tag and you burn the number in with a laser. It enables you to have a permanent marking on the tag versus a stamp mark that fades in time. So it cannot be altered. Allflex is proud to offer products that feature the latest innovations in visual identification that provide convenience, consistent performance and the best value for our customers.  If you are looking for a practical, cost-effective management tool, we encourage you to consider our line of visual identification products. Allflex products are known for:
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