Doc Oz just continues to put scientific based information on the back burner while he and his “guests” go for the jugular vein of one agricultural group after another; all for the sake of ratings. Sadly, too many people depend on the likes of Oz for their daily dose of misinformation. So why does he continue to feed viewers his brand of one-sided junk science medical advice? Like any good detective will tell you, you have to follow the money. Food is an emotional subject for most of us, and the producers of the Oz show know that creating fear and distrust and conspiracy theories around the very people who bring us our food will result in higher ratings. Misinformation about agriculture continues to run rampant, whether it comes from anti-ag groups or t.v. hosts such as Oz. Americans have one of if not the safest food systems in the world, and still manage to pay only 7 cents out of every dollar they make on food. We did hear a lot of good things about agriculture this month because of National Ag Week. But the ag community needs to go out and tell the true story of agriculture every day of the year, because anti-ag activists and t.v. hosts chasing ratings won’t be slowing down anytime soon.