Scouting for bears and other big game, details from an expert. From time to time I converse with Ted Fry who is a, in his terms, traditional bow hunter, meaning no fancy complex bows with Ted. He is extremely successful as a hunter, but has transformed some of that success into his business as a guide. Solid information during a recent conversation: "Scouting is one of those things that I never get to do because I am always busy taking care of getting everybody else ready, but scouting is very important. I have hunted the same area that I hunt for several years and so each season but I go there is hunting but I always wish I had more time to scout. With compound bows to make shots that are a lot longer than with traditional bows. What is the range for traditional? Most average shots are 15 to 20 yards. My favorite is 7 to 10 yards but I don't always get that close. I tell people that it is about the hunt. A lot of people get hung up on success and I have to admit that I used to get hung up on success as well. But to me it is more about how you hunt and that is why we call it hunting is that you spend more time trying to get close. There is nothing more fun than playing a mental chess game with that is as smart or smarter than you are an animal. 90% of hunting is doing the right thing when the animal does the wrong thing. I always tell people I am taking my bow for a long walk in the woods and sometimes I get lucky.