Simplot's ONE

Simplot's ONE

Simplot's One. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Line On Agriculture.


J.R. Simplot made some big waves at this year’s 2014 Potato Expo in San Antonio, Texas. Brian Petersen, Product Manager with Simplot discusses their new product line, ONE or Optimal Nutrition Efficiency.


PETERSEN: Simplot One was a department developed within the Simplot organization about a year and half ago. What we wanted to do was create an entity that would promote nutrient deficiency and promote products that would prove value to both growers and dealers. With the Simplot One it’s optimal nutrient efficiency.


He says they are trying to follow the 4R program.


PETERSEN: Along with that we wanted an enhanced nutrient delivery system that makes sure the nutrients are getting to the plants and into the plants. The final aspect of it is environmental to make sure that we are following the 4R stewardship, making sure that we are delivering the right product and the right rate and the right place.


Petersen gives us a for instance of their ONE line.


PETERSEN: Plant nutrition is very important if you are going to maximize your yield. You’ve got to make sure that plant is getting the nutrients that it needs and at the same time if you are losing your nutrients to the environment then you are losing your money to the environment as well. So one of the products we promote is Avail and it works to protect your phosphorus, make sure it’s not tied up in the soil.


That’s today’s Line On Agriculture. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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