1-1 IAT Healthy Fry

1-1 IAT Healthy Fry

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.

Imagine the unmitigated joy to the diet conscious diner…the visions of high revenues dancing in the heads of potato producers…the disastrous thought of longer lunch lines at fast food restaurants. All of this brought about by…I’m not gonna tell you yet. You have to listen to an important message first. The world would be a better place if we had a totally healthy French fried potato. Members of the Koompin family, owners of Koompin Farms that produce potatoes in American Falls, Idaho recently pointed out that what makes Idaho the prime place for potato planting is the state's geographical positioning where water and land naturally meet and the weather is perfect. They also think something to look forward to in the near future is healthy french fries! Right now a team of people are working to create a very healthy oil for deep-friers. Frank Muir with the Idaho Potato Commission: “I can say that there are a lot of different efforts going on throughout the potato industry and in the oil industry to improve the health benefits of french fries. One of the difficult challenges is making a fry that tastes good when it’s fried in an oil that may not make it as crispy. But there are a variety of different organizations working on different varieties of potatoes as well as different oils that could improve the nutritional value of a French fry.”




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