Donate To Your Local Food Bank
As Christmas quickly approaches and you’re checking off items on your gift list hopefully you’ll be checking off a donation to your local food bank. According to the USDA, in 2012 17.6 million households were food insecure at least some time during the year. Nearly 49 million people are struggling with hunger in the U.S. today. There is an increased demand nation wide this year with food banks reporting that they are supplying families that they have not helped before. The main source of donated foods to food banks continues to be from growers and processors. Farmers Ending Hunger, a non-profit created in 2004, supplies food for the needy, working directly with the farmers who are growing and harvesting food, and have created a very efficient and effective system. There are numerous organizations such as this nation wide working to feed the hungry. So, in the true spirit of Christmas this year, share your abundance with someone less fortunate. The good feeling you’ll get will surpass anything you can buy at a store.