Grape Society Award Winners

Grape Society Award Winners

Grape Society Award Winners. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.


One of the ways the Washington State Grape Society helps to get more people involved in the grape and wine industry is through scholarships. Deb Heintz is the Executive Director for the Grape Society and she talks about their recent award winner.


HEINTZ: Jensena Newhouse was the recipient this year. She has been in the industry for quite some time doing a variety of things. Working for Diversified Farming Operations and then she went on the YVCC and is studying viticulture and enology and has a job at WSU Prosser.


Jensena is also the daughter of former Washington State Ag Secretary Dan Newhouse. Heintz talks about how they get their scholarship applicants and winners.


HEINTZ: What we do is go through a committee that works towards rating the applications. Some years it varies but for the most part we get about 10 applicants a year. Once those ratings come in then the committee goes through and awards a scholarship.


Grape Society President Art denHoed says they hope the scholarship recipients will stay in the area to help benefit the industry. He adds that the new Walter Clore Wine and Culinary Center is playing a part in the growth of the industry as well.


DENHOED: It kind of gives us a focal point for people to come and learn more about our area. And of course the grape industry continues to grow and there’s other players coming from other states realizing that the quality here is or can be real good.


That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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