U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree
Capitol Christmas Tree
I’m KayDee Gilkey and welcome to Open Range. Here’s Greg with today’s report.
Thanks KayDee. This year’s U.S. Capitol Christmas tree is a northwest original and according to AgriBeef’s Seth Mortensen it was matched with another northwest product.
MORTENSEN: It was fitting that the food that was served at the Washington tree lighting ceremony was from Washington as well. We actually got involved in this event through Tom Douglas who was the Washington Ambassador both on the mic and on the grill at the event. Tom Douglas is a three times James Beard award winning chef.
Besides the 88’ tall Engelmann spruce that came out of Colville National Forest in northeast Washington State Mortensen says that the reception featured a northwest favorite as well.
MORTENSEN: The dish that was served was a fennel crusted beef and wild mushroom crostini. Snake River Farms for those that aren’t familiar with it is an American WAGYU beef and the cut that he used for this dish is a petite tenderloin which is a cut that is really gaining popularity in both retail and food service.
You can get the recipe on Snake River Farms Facebook page. The tree it’s self had an interesting trip to the other Washington.
MORTENSEN: The tree kind of went all over the United States on it’s way there. Several towns along the way had their own little celebration for the tree. And actually the tree shipped with trees for - pretty much around Washington DC. They’ll all have handmade ornaments from people in Washington State that submitted those as well.
I’m Greg Martin and that’s today’s AgriBeef Minute.
Thanks Greg. Don’t forget Greg will be back each Wednesday with the AgriBeef Minute. Agri Beef Co - Real Families, Great People, Exceptional Beef. I’m KayDee Gilkey.