Speciesism as defined by Merriam-Webster is “prejudice or discrimination based on species; especially: discrimination against animals”. Interestingly just below the definition are rhyming words for speciesism such as absurdism, alarmism, and activism, which pretty much describes animal activists embracement of the word “speciesism” as a propaganda tool. A new documentary titled “Speciesism: The Movie” has been touring the United States the last couple of months and has garnered much attention in the media. As one can expect from the title it is rather one-sided and goes for the throat of modern animal agriculture. One of the biggest problems with animal rights activists is that they try to put a human face on animals, and seem to believe that if given a chance all animals in the wild - large and small, would behave as though they were characters in a Disney movie, if it weren’t for mans’ interference. The fact is bestowing human characteristics and motivations on animals won’t make them more “human”. A cow is a cow. A pig is a pig. And a goat is a goat. All of which should be treated as such, albeit with care and respect.