Ill Wind For Grapes

Ill Wind For Grapes

Ill Wind For Grapes. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

Dr. Vince Hebert, Laboratory Research Director with WSU-Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory is concerned about vineyards and the exposure to herbicides.

HEBERT: Grape Vineyards especially in this region, cereal and infield crop production really have historically been exposed to herbicides. usually at some really low level. And this has really been presumably from a combination of drift together with regional air off-target movement. And I think really of particular concern in Washington State has really been the inadvertent off-target movement of highly active hormone mimics such as 2,4 D which can emanate from serial grain fields

Hebert is presenting a free seminar today on this topic.

HEBERT: Often what we see is this type injury is really low but purely episodic and based on weather patterns that may exist during the spring spray season. There has been a lot of regulations in place that have really reduced off-target movement injury to wine grapes. So this story in which I'm going to discuss, this seminar is really going to cover the history of what we've done very well in reducing off-target movement of phenoxy-herbicides such as 2, 4 D to wine grapes.

The seminar is being held at WSU Tri-Cities in the Bioproducts, Sciences and Engineering Laboratory. The event is part of the Joint Engineering and Science Seminar (JESS) series, an interdisciplinary effort of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of Professional Programs at WSU Tri-Cities.

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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