Getting Prepped for Hort

Getting Prepped for Hort

Getting Prepped for Hort. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

The 2013 Washington State Horticultural Association's Postharvest Conference and NW Hort Expo is quickly approaching. This will be the 109th annual meeting and will be once again held at the Wenatchee Convention Center December 2, 3 and 4th. As usual the meeting has a large number of great sessions that look at a myriad of topics. This year's theme: "Is Your Orchard Ready? Preparing Your Operation for the Future." Individual sessions will look at Grower Information You MUST know!, Mechanization and Automation in the Orchard. Pests and Diseases. Soil Health: Its Role in Today's Orchard Systems and Application Technologies. You must register to attend the sessions but the Trade Show is free and open to the public. This year it will feature more than 100 vendors in the lower level of the convention center. For more information regarding the speakers and topics covered in each session, visit the program guide on their website, You can also register online as well as at the event. This annual event promises a lot of great information.

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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