Colorado Farm Bureau Disaster Fund
Colorado Farm Bureau Disaster Fund
I’m KayDee Gilkey and welcome to Open Range. Here’s Greg with today’s report.
I’m Greg Martin with the AgriBeef Minute. Robyn Scherer, Director of Communications for the Colorado Farm Bureau discusses the fund they have set up to help ag flood victims.
SCHERER: The Colorado Farm Bureau Foundation has actually set up a fund to collect money that we’ll be using to distribute to farmers and ranchers in the flood affected area. Kind of help them get back on their feet and pay for some expenses that might not be covered elsewhere.
Damage will be significant in these flood areas and Scherer says to be eligible farmers and ranchers will need to apply.
SCHERER: We do have an application process that we’re in the middle of getting up right now and that’s going to be open for probably a month and a half or so. Then we’ll have a committee that will help distribute those fund.
So far a lot of people have helped out.
SCHERER: These funds are coming from all over the place. They’re coming from businesses. They’re coming from individuals. They’re coming from other farms and ranches. We’ve seen donations from inside Colorado and outside Colorado so it’s kind of a wide variety just all over the place. There’s a lot of people out there that really want to help.
And she says they are still taking donations to the fund.
SCHERER: Two places you can go - one is to and that’s where you can find out ways to donate. We do have the ability to take credit cards as well as cash and check and then if they have interest in wanting to get that application they can just call the Colorado Farm Bureau office and that’ll be directed to me and we can get their information.
I’m Greg Martin and that’s today’s AgriBeef Minute.
Thanks Greg. Don’t forget Greg will be back each Wednesday with the AgriBeef Minute. Agri Beef Co - Real Families, Great People, Exceptional Beef. I’m KayDee Gilkey.