Chobani Recall & Walden Opposes Syrian Action plus Food Forethought. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.
Chobani is expanding their recall of Greek Yogurt made at their plant inTwin Falls, Idaho after discovering it may have been contaminated by mold. The FDA is reporting that at least 89 people have reported becoming sick after eating the yogurt but those cases have not been confirmed. Chobani has told stores to destroy 35 varieties of the yogurt with the code 16-012 and expiration dates between Sept. 11 and Oct. 7.
The U.S. has not made a good enough case for a number of politician to sign on to action against Syria. Oregon Representative Greg Walden says he's not convinced.
WALDEN: After attending a classified briefing to listen very carefully to top Administration officials make their case in person on the situation in Syria I was not persuaded that the United States has a clear or achievable objective in Syria that can only be obtained through military force. And they have not made the case that dragging America into a civil war in the Middle East is in our national security interests. Absent a direct threat to the United States or our allies and a clear goal and definition of victory, I must oppose using military force in Syria. The United States should work with the international community to continue to pressure the Assad regime.
Now with today's Food Forethought, here's Lacy Gray.
I have to wonder when I read or hear about farmers who side with anti-agriculture groups what they truly hope to gain in the process. Do they think that teaming up with the very same groups who want to put an end to animal agriculture can really have anything other than an unpleasant and unproductive outcome? Animal rights groups such as PETA and the HSUS are not the "small farming family's friend". And before you accuse me of being on the side of "corporate agriculture", let me explain. Animal rights activists have become very creative when it comes to shielding their true agendas, and farmers and ranchers who are used to an honest word given with a handshake can easily be drawn into something that in the end is as far away from what they thought they were agreeing to as the man in the moon. These high profile groups that are opposed to today's animal agriculture are focused on limiting consumers' choices on what they feed their families. Their plan is to strictly limit livestock production for the time being, with the ultimate goal of eliminating livestock production all together in the future. Remember, these are the same groups who have destroyed the lives of numerous farm families through endless litigation.
Thanks Lacy. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.