Rise With The Occasion

Rise With The Occasion

It is easy to take pot shots at politicians, sometimes they just make it so darn easy. But the truth is, it is much, much easier to tell someone how to do their job, than to do that job yourself. As Congress struggles to reauthorize a comprehensive five year Farm Bill, the pressure to to cut bloated federal programs such as SNAP without hurting the people who really truly need the program, all while continuing to please their constituents must be immense. Throw into that mix the struggle to reform an antiquated conglomeration of immigration laws, while not shutting down ag production in this country in the process, and you start to wonder why anyone would want to be a senator or congressman. How do we secure the border and still find a way to keep the over eleven million illegal immigrants in this country doing the jobs that keep affordable food in our stores and on our tables? I don’t have the answers. Obviously, at this point in time, neither does Congress. Hopefully though in the near future they will. They should remember what everyone’s favorite President once said, “ The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion.” 

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