Pull-Out Food Labels

Pull-Out Food Labels

Ok, no one is looking. Raise your hand if you really read labels when you are grocery shopping. I didn’t think so. Other than a quick glance to maybe check how many calories or how much fat or sodium a food contains, in all honesty the majority of us do not read food labels like we’re studying for end term exams. So why all the “push comes to shove” by food activists to federally require pullout food labels listing everything it seems from calories, carbs, fats and other ingredients, to country of origin, processing and manufacturing details, right down to the name of the farmer’s firstborn? Despite adamant claims that this type of food labeling is not motivated by an anti-GE agenda, legislation being introduced by certain Senators to require the FDA to mandate such labeling sure smacks of anti-GE. It seems no matter how many times states and their voters say no to legislation demanding that food labels carry messages about whether a food product is the product of, or contains ingredients developed with biotechnology, food activists continue to push for legislation which will result in very expensive food labeling changes for farmers and consumers.

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