Wine Grape Production Up
Wine Grape Production Up. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.
The National Ag Statistics Service has released it’s report on the 2012 Washington wine grapes and the numbers look good. For last year Washington’s wine grape production totaled 188,000 tons, up 32 percent from 2011. Production of red varieties was up 48 percent overall from last year compared to a 19 percent increase in the production of white varieties. When you look at some of the individual varietals you see some major changes like Merlot which showed the largest increase, up 58 percent from 2011. Of all the published varieties, Petit Verdot received the highest price per ton at $1,585. But if you prefer your wine white, those varieties in 2011 accounted for 55 percent of total production and decreased to 50 percent of the total in 2012. But then there is good news that Chardonnay was the top producing variety grown in the State at 36,900 tons or 20 percent of the total. White Riesling was a close second, at 36,700 tons, just under 20 percent of the total. In third place was Cabernet Sauvignon with 35,900 tons or 19 percent of the total. Overall it was a very good year for wine grapes in the state and that means really only one thing to a wine lover like me...more great wine to choose from.
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.