Good, Bad, or Just Food?
How about this for a healthy approach to eating - most foods are okay to eat, some just a little more than others. That’s basically what the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics stated recently in its updated position paper on the “Total Diet”. Simply put, the paper explains that most people know what they need to eat to maintain a healthy diet, and classifying certain foods as “good” or “bad” doesn’t help them to eat better. Instead, it can have the opposite affect by creating a longing for or indulgence of foods that have been labeled as “no, no’s”. Who of us hasn’t gone after something we have been told to stay away from? It’s human nature. The common thread that continues throughout so many of these healthy diet position papers is everything in moderation. That along with controlled portion size and exercise are key to maintaining a healthy body weight. This ‘Total Diet’ position paper does make for interesting and informative reading. You just might want to check it out yourself. It can be found on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website. It offers a practical and sensible approach to eating healthy.