D.C. Changes That Affect Fruit Growers

D.C. Changes That Affect Fruit Growers

D.C. Changes That Affect Fruit Growers. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Nancy Foster, President of U.S. Apple Association has been talking about how this last election has changed the shape of things when it comes to tree fruit production and a big key was the large Latino vote.

FOSTER: It affected the outcome in a number of swing states and there is talk that even Georgia and Texas could become swing states next time around because of the growing Hispanic population there.

Foster says that there was a lot of primary talk about self-deportation and the Dream Act.

FOSTER: The Dream Act would say you can enroll in college, you can serve in the military and if you’re doing that you can earn a path to stay here legally. There was a lot of anti-immigrant rhetoric. Many immigrants would like legal status and that is defined by many Republicans as just amnesty.

She says that now immigration reform should be our top priority.

FOSTER: Finding a solution that provides a legal, stable, reliable workforce for you is our top priority. Because these workers are essential to prune, pack, process, pick your fruit. And not just apples but all tree fruit. All labor intensive horticulture.

She notes that the Hispanic voter is expected to increase 40% by 2030 and will increase faster than any other sector of the voting population.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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