Changes In D.C. Part 2

Changes In D.C. Part 2

Changes In D.C. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Nancy Foster, President of U.S. Apple Association recently spoke to apple producers on what changes inside the Belt might mean for them.

FOSTER: We have a good brand in Congress. Why? Well we bring jobs. Tremendous multiplier effect through the rural economy from the apples you produce and we really are so iconic in America. The symbol of American culture and the countryside. In many parts of the east where development pressure is so great there is a really strong push to try to preserve the rolling beautiful countryside and their orchards. That’s really important to New Yorkers and others.

But what did the changes tell us?

FOSTER: Well we know we’re still a deeply divided country. The U.S. is still split along regional lines with the north east and west Democratic, south and plains states Republican. This is a generalization. Continued deep frustrations, some would say anger right and left. There’s many conservatives that don’t want to call themselves Republicans anymore, too.

Of course we are seeing major population shifts including the influx of the Hispanic populations.

FOSTER: Obama got 80% of the minority vote. 40% of white voters. And 28%, almost 30% of all votes were from minority voters and there was strong Latino support for Obama and white voters made up 72% of the electorate but that has been shrinking.

More tomorrow.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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