Celebrate Oregon Agriculture

Celebrate Oregon Agriculture

Celebrate Oregon Agriculture. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Line On Agriculture.

In its first six months, the Celebrate Oregon Agriculture campaign has been reaching a target audience of parents and caregivers of school-aged children through television, print, and online efforts. Oregon Department of Agriculture Director Katy Coba has been a lead spokesperson in TV ads promoting the campaign. Her tag line– “We’re Oregon agriculture, ask for it at your grocery store, farmers’ market, or restaurant”.

COBA:  I’m so excited about this campaign. It really hits a target market that we are looking for in Oregon agriculture– people that maybe aren’t as necessarily familiar with it but really cherish local. To be able to highlight Oregon agriculture and talk about what it means to the state’s economy is very, very important.

Coba says the initial concept came from collaboration between ODA and others, primarily Ecotrust and its ediblePortland magazine. More partners have joined.

COBA: We wanted to kick it off and we are hoping that others would see value in it, a variety of groups, and sign on and support it. That’s exactly what we are seeing, from producer groups to processors to grocery stores. It’s what we were hoping for and I’m just thrilled that we are getting to this point.

One of the campaigns objectives is to motivate parents and their children participate in growing, harvesting, cooking, and serving Oregon ag products.

That’s today’s Line On Agriculture. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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