Customers Down Under Able to TrackMyMacca with APP
Customers Down Under Able to ‘TrackMyMacca’ with App
I’m KayDee Gilkey with today’s Northwest Farm and Ranch Report.
McDonald’s has been down under in Australia since 1971. Aussies fondly referred to McDonald’s as Macca. Recently, McDonald’s announced the launch of a new iPhone app for Australian customers called TrackMyMacca.
Here is the explanation of how the app works via Australian McDonald’s facebook page video.
Video: “TrackMyMacca is a free iPhone app that lets you learn more about some of your McDonald favorites. And for the first time ever, track ingredients in the actual food you just bought. So how does it do that? Simple, sort of. Using the phone’s GPS, it can tell which restaurant you are in. Using image recognition software it knows what you are about to eat and by combining this with the date and time, it accesses McDonald’s vast supply chain in real time. The app gets tracking in an instant, pinpointing where the ingredients you’re about to eat came from.”
The app works with food that comes in specially marked boxes, including the McChicken burger, Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, and Chicken McNuggets. The app then locates where (the bakery, ranch, farm, canner, etc., often by name) the ingredients in the food about to be consumed originated.
The TrackMyMacca’s app will track selected menu items in all Australian McDonald’s restaurants from now through the end of June. No mention of if or when this app will appear in the U.S.