More on Bayer Crop Science

More on Bayer Crop Science

More On Bayer Crop Science. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Line On Agriculture.

Rob Schrick, Horticulture and Marketing Manager for Bayer Crop Science says they are looking at growing a crop as a job. He explains exactly how they look at that.

SCHRICK: With that job we break it down to as many steps as it takes to complete that job and with that it gives you a deep understanding of what it takes to become successful in that but it also give you a base to look at the unmet needs of that grower and so you can learn to anticipate what a grower wouldn’t think about or what Bayer wouldn’t think about without this and look what can make them more efficient going forward.

He says this helps answer questions like what technologies can they bring that they don’t even know they need yet.

SCHRICK: This type of market research allows us to do that and with that information we direct our market research and the investment dollars that we take towards that. So it’s kind of like you know we didn’t know we needed email on our phones. You know this type of thought process came across with that and now it’s standard. That’s the kind of innovation we’re looking at bringing at Bayer.

Where does the consumer fit in all this?

SCHRICK: It’s something Bayer takes very seriously. We actually have a sustainability manager on our team. And the way that Bayer looks at sustainability is just along those lines. How are we going to feed this hungry planet? And do it sustainably. As I said earlier we want that grower to be able to grow the crop not only this year but for the next 50 years and each one of those years increases his yield.

That’s today’s Line On Agriculture. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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