Grape Variety Gets Recognition
Grape Variety Gets Recognition. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.
There are dozens of grape varieties here in the northwest and according to Jo Lynne Seufer, Risk Management Specialist with USDA’s Risk Management Agency one variety has been given it’s own recognition.
SEUFER: We also expanded our Mourvedre variety of grapes. It’s now recognized as a separate type in central counties in Washington State - previously insured within all other red and pink varieties so now this Mourvedre can have its own specific type insurability and that also extends the access to farmers and better risk management needs for those grape growers.
Seufer has a reminder about crop insurance.
SEUFER: Also want to remind producers - fruit producers particularly throughout the Pacific Northwest of Idaho, Oregon, Washington that our self closing date for the 2013 crop year is coming fast, it’s November 20th and it’s on a Tuesday and we just want to remind producers to visit with their crop insurance agent quickly and see what best coverage options that best fit their needs.
If you have any questions about these and other crop issues be sure and visit with your crop insurance agent or contact your local Risk Management office.
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.